Saturday, April 21, 2007

Before and Afters Part Dos

I had to get serious about cleaning my warehouse pit because friends from school finally decided to take me up on my offer to have a party at my place. It was about time, I was starting to feel like I was one of the box car children hiding out in an old warehouse.


(It might not look like much, but this took me a looong time)

Don't worry I still have piles of bikes from my old roomies. I've fixed them so they're rideable though for anyone who will come ride with me!!
Barbara made sure we had a stocked bar (she bar tends nights). She even made Mohitos? I don't know how to spell it, but between her and people bringing wine for gifts I was completely stocked by the time everyone left. (light weights, they didn't even drink what they brought!) I know it's a little faux paux to re-gift, but I feel so classy giving away wine and vodka as parting gifts when people come by.
My make shift bedroom. I sleep down stairs because between the bilboard lights and cement trucks driving around all night it's a little quieter and a little darker. I kind of live in an industrial neighborhood. The neighbors next door start hammering and dinking around at like 5 no joke.

Manda, do you recognize that print? Yup, still have it. Between you and Chelsea it looks like I'm a bonified art collector. The only thing that gives me up is my lack of framing, oh and that the other half of things on my walls are ripped out of magazines.


Sarah M said...

Yes. You're place looks awesome. I am glad you had a party. I want to have a party. That would be cool. :)

Unknown said...

you're place is amaaazing. i can't wait to kick it with you and your booze.

ting19 said...

the place looks so good! you clean up nice:) have you talked to jeremy? i bet he and jill would take some of that booze off your hands...

baughtronic said...

Drink it.

{littlefam} said...

Jess -
Your apartment looks so tight - you are totally living it up like a Sex and the City gal and I am jealous!

jmb said...

But if I drank it I would have no way to lure people out to Brooklyn!