Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow Ponies

Paige and I both needed a break from life today so we drove up to Altonah for a ride. Among other things we saw some beauty and peace - snow and horses - and I totally got thrown off a horse. I didn't just loose my balance, oops I slipped off. Pretty much the horse wanted me off and he got me off, that hasn't happened to me in a while. Luckily it was into the snow and Paige and I both got the giggles out of it for the rest of the day. Even on the ride home we couldn't stop laughing about it.

The horses are so fuzzy in the winter it always takes me a while to figure out who's who. This is Sailor - the sweetest bestest of them all. I can always find him.

She's prego and stuck in the snow, I kind of feel bad for her. Can you see the baby bulging on her right side?

Benny is already giving me the stink eye for making him ride in this deep snow. Approx 10 minuets before he went nutso and dumped me.


Matt & Paige Strate said...

I love that you are on Benny and you can still get a full face shot of him. Thanks for the fun day.

baughtronic said...

That looks so perfect right now.