Monday, September 28, 2009

Broken Bike

So I got in a little accident while riding with lauren last week. we were biking back from city creek canyon via research park on our way home when a car took a left across backed up traffic. Basically i didnt even see the car turn in front of me, it was just there and i gave it a good dent in it's back right flank. We think i went over the top of the trunk? not really quite sure. basically as i skidded to a stop in the middle of the street i thought i was the luckiest girl in the world because i jumped up and proclaimed "i'm alright! i'm fine" to all of the shocked people standing at the bus stop who had just witnessed it. then i looked down at my wrist. not fine.

i guess i'm lucky it was just my wrist because this is the wreckage i left behind. poor lauren got to come upon the scene of the crime with her bike in two and her friends gory body in shock. thank you lauren for being the trama care taker.

could you imagine a worse ending to borrowing a friends bike besides breaking it in two?
rip trek 1200

ps, i don't think writing in all lower case is cute - my one hand is just incapable of keeping up with the demands of the shift key. you can expect my blogging and emailing grammar and spelling to sink to a new low.



holy crap. i'm so sorry to hear about that but i'm glad you are still with us. i am surprised that you met your demise in slc and not even on your fix. Heal well!

for you, love me said...

Jessica, I'm so glad you're OK...scary!

lauren ann said...

the bike broken in half.... that's nothing. Im just sorry about you arm broken in half, and am glad it wasn't your head girl. That was quite the scare.
Hiking season here we come!

lbb said...

oh man. i'm so glad you're okay. that bike got worked! don't scare us again, k? lay low...

The Neil said...

Wow! I am glad you are alright!

So... do you mind me asking what happened with the driver of the car? Are they being held responsible for anything? They seem to always get off way to easily!

P.S. I don't know 'bout everyone else, but I am fine with the lowercase and bad spelling givin the circumstances!

Jessica said...

Ya that driver better be paying for that bike and your medical expenses! My bro-in-law was hit by a car on his bike as well! I am starting to feel so unsafe on my bike!

Unknown said...

So glad you are ok my friend!

PS Thanks for the clarification on the lowercase letters.

drew said...

Email me your address and one of these is in the mail:

jmb said...

I do need one of these Andrew. maybe I could even stretch it to fit over my cast - it's like it was made for me

Neil - sadly i have no idea how things will pan out with the driver. i'm hoping for medical and cost of the bike, but who knows. good thing my 78 year old grandpa is on the case - he's an old pro and he's relentless!

I do feel bad for them though, they're this old couple from outside of Price, Ut. I could kind of see them as they loaded me on the back board. they looked pretty scared - poor folks

Poelmans said...

Jess I can't believe you're worried about the bike when it could have been so much worse! Glad you're safe!

Ashley said...

Glad you're okay! You are always on some amazing adventure and I love hearing about it!!