Monday, October 5, 2009

The doctor broke it to me last week (i know, i kill me too) that in fact I've broken both hands. Classic.

Actually instead of the right being super mangled like the left it's a stabile fracture which apparently means no cast or splint necessary - just a super cool looking wrist guard that looks just like the ones the cool kids wore when they went roller blading back in the day.

Truly im starting to feel like Denise

Sorry for the incessant broken posts, unfortunately it's pretty much all that is going on


amanda james said...

so the word on the street is true! poor little chap!

The Neil said...

Two broken wrists?!!! I'm sorry! Although it does look like you were still able to cook up some tasty marshmallows... so life can't be that bad. right?

Jessica said...

That video was too awesome. Matt broke both his hands skiing this last winter, no funny at. all.

Jessica said...

That video was too awesome. Matt broke both his hands skiing this last winter, no funny at. all.

Sarah M said...

how did we talk for a half hour last night and there was no mention of two broken wrists? i just about made fun of amanda for writing on her blog that you broke em both. hope surgery is going well. you're probably just 'coming to' as i write this.
(ps i write in all lower case because i am lazy - not cute. :))

jmb said...

it's true - a fully broken and displaced radius bone and fully broken, but stable, ulna bone on the left hand AND a 5th metacarpal fracture in the right hand. but the right hand really don't hurt much and I had a metal plate put in to fix the radial bone on the left today - i'm finally on the mend!

Unknown said...

I can't believe both are broken. That sucks.