Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Get this . . .

Don't be scared, but what I'm about to tell you may startle you.

I had a kidney stone! What am I a 52 year old man? Well, we (the many people I've consulted, including an actual Urologist) have come to this conclusion anyway. Let's just say I had a very telling significant experience, shortly followed by a LOT of pain. I actually thought I was dying, but turns out no, just a kidney stone.

So today I had to go and get an ultra-sound and ex-ray, which was pretty cool. I got to wear those super comfy, straight out of the dryer hospital clothes and lay on lots of butcher paper covered foam beds. My favorite part of the whole day (besides being told I did not in fact have cancer) was

A. When I saw my uterus on the ultra sound, yes it is in fact there. It totally looks just like they say it does. I can't imagine looking in there and seeing a baby, I was completely blown away just by seeing my uterus. The lady had to keep telling me to lay back down.

B. Was the print out of my spine & pelvis from the x-ray. So cool, just good to know it's all in there. I really wanted a copy, but they're pretty protective of that stuff apparently. Hmmm.

This is what I did while waiting the 45 min. to hear what the doctor thought was up.


lbb said...

First, I'm glad, too, there's a uterus and spine in you!
I forgot to ask last night how all that went yesterday!! Now what? Do you have to pass it?
Love the drawing. It DID scare me when I first pulled up your blog though!
love you, and your stones.

The Neil said...

What?!! Really?

Is the "I HAVE TWO" in the sketch referring to your kidneys, kidney stones, or uteruses? (Is the plural of uteruses 'uterii'?)

So being extremely selfish now, does any of this prevent you from coming to Colorado?

Hope your doing better!

Sarah M said...

are. you. serious?
i'm calling you today.
and selfishly i am wondering the same thing as neil.
also, apparently now you are perfectly prepared to have a baby. they say the pain is pretty comparible. but i wouldn't know since i got numbed.

{littlefam} said...

jessica! i am so sorry! jon and i were so worried about you that night that you called - i'm glad you found out what it was seriously are amazing to endure that - you should talk to jon...he will totally understand!

Cardon + Kelly Webb said...

Jess, i feel your pain. I had a kidney stone pass when i was the wee age of 19. Worst pain ever. They thought i had to get my appendix out. yikes.

Lacey said...

oh my gosh jess, that is crazy! i am so so sorry i know how painful those are, not that i have had one, but my dad did and he held my hand, and yeah it was painful. wasn't the ultrasound awesome!? it is just so amazing! i hope you feel better and good luck with that stone! let us know how it goes passing it! ouch! i am so sorry!

Unknown said...

Oh Jess I'm so sorry. I've heard it's so painful! This too shall pass. Ha ha. I think I'm so funny.

mary said...

Jess I am so sorry, I hear those are extremely painful! Hope you get better soon!

baucomfamily said...

Is nothing sacred?

Ashley said...

I tagged you! See my site for details!