Also, I noticed last night that the moon was very full looking, which always reminds me of Lindsay since we have a mutual appreciation for a good full moon. Then I thought about how the last full moon (which was a BLUE MOON mind you) we had a particularly good celebration of full moonness. I was in SLC where we gathered a small but hearty crew and made the trek to Mt. Dell for some skinny swimin. I sure wish I had photos of the event, I believe someone was snapping shots - I'll have to look into that.
So anyhow, this is your official reminder to love the full moon tonight for Lindsay, because she may not be able to see it very well since she is perpetual sunlight I believe. Feel free to report on any full moon goings ons, and if you want to be really moon informed you can check out this little web site (Linds, I know you will appreciate this one). It's nothing fancy, but a good moon resource.
wow, i feel so honored to be featured here! i am looking good in orange huh? i did check out that website - very cool
Good ol' Linds. She's come a long way from our days of soccer at HHS. That seems like so long ago! I'm so glad you updated me on what she is up to...please tell her hi for me! I miss that girl.
wow. look at the two of you. could you be in more different places, doing different things? yet you are like two peas in a pod.
Hey, I was wondering what she was up to. I was in SLC last weekend and a bunch of us went to the brew pub thing that she used to work at and looked for her.
Nice work on the full moon activities. Andrew said it was cold.
I love my job as a teacher, but I gotta say, I'm so jealous of Lindsay. I think in my next life, I want to do what she is doing. So cool. Are you going to go visit her in Alaska? I think you should.
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