As per Sarah's challenge I tried to make a list of 100 things about me. She said it would take me 30 minuets once I got started. It took way longer and I only got to 50. This will have to do, and if you want to know more you may just have to come hang out with me in Greenpoint.
1. I am at school 13 hours a day 3 days a week, and at least 3-6 hours for one.
2. Wednesdays I sleep in till 2.
3. Lately I can sleep 12 hours a night if I have nothing to get up for for the first time since junior high.
4. I secretly really love the cold. Even the really cold cold, unless I want to ride a bike, which I do actually.
5. I chew on things I shouldn’t. Currently chewing on a piece of coroplast that I’m using to build a model in studio 2. Don’t worry it’s not toxic.
6. Some times I flirt with random people to get what I want. Eye contact can get you a long way in this world.
7. I have a habit of misplacing and forgetting my phone lots, never be surprised if I don't answer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
8. Since moving to NY I have fallen in the subway 2 times and had one run in with a biker, as in I ran into it.
9. I drink 1 to 2 quart of water a day and mysteriously I’m usually still thirsty. No I don’t have diabetes and I know that’s a sign of it.
10. I love food markets
11. I would love to live out of the country at some point in my life, hopefully soon.
12. I spend more money a week on art supplies than I do food.
13. I like painting my finger nails, but I am horrible at keeping it up, so most often I just have paint remnants.
14. Since moving to New York it's become apartent that I'm particularly attractive to strange men over 40. I've got a pile of business cards to prove it. And I mean strange.
15. I got acupunture for the first time last November. I advise others not to go to an acupunture school for it. Keep this to the professionals.
16. I don't drink carbonation. Just cause.
17. I do eat chocolate and I try to remember to thank the chocolate gods for it every day.
18. I hope the people I know get half as much out of me as I do them.
19. My dream house/ life is the one in Legends of the Fall, minus the tragic dramatics. Brad Pitt can stay if he wants.
20. I do love mountain biking, but somehow unlike Sarah I like the up hill and cross country parts better than the down. We should be in a tag team race.
21. I love cooking
22. I hope I can ski until the day I die. In fact I think that would be a perfectly wonderful way to die, but hopefully not from a crash. Preferably something painless and not embarrassing. Some how that makes sense in my head, sorry if it’s confusing.
23. I have a bad habit of spending too much money on trinkets (i.e. cool stuff, beads, cups, pins, small boxes, what ever. I’m going to be the grandma house full of weird stuff).
24. 24 is my lucky number.
25. Being photographed makes me uncomfortable. If it seems like I’m not I’m probably faking it.
26. Max, my dog, has been to the top of King’s Peak 4 times since he turned 10.
27. Once while at King’s Peak I felt (and heard) sparks of static on my head while a thunder storm built up around us. My reaction, panic.
28. Lighting is one (of many) things I admittedly have a very poor reaction to.
29. If I had someone to do it with me I think it would be cool to work on a farm or ranch for the summer.
30. I am very picky about which push pins I use.
31. I rarely if ever can get myself to go to bed before 2ish
32. I made a tent over my bed the other day just cause. It’s not as cool as I had hoped.
33. Last week my room mate Caroline and I went to play pool at the Mark Bar in Green Point around midnight and didn’t come home till 5:30 on a Wednesday morning. What non drunk person does that? Not Caroline.
34. I inform 3-4 people a month that it is in fact against the law to have more than one wife in the state of Utah. (Even harder to convince is the fact that the Mormon Church doesn’t condone plural marriage these days.)
35. I wish I could hang out with people way more than I actually hang out with them and I think that’s messed up.
36. I’m not allergic to anything I know of. Except maybe singles ward social gatherings.
37. With out my contacts in I can’t tell if a person is a boy or a girl if they’re more than 5 feet away.
38. I have had no T.V. in my house since I moved to New York. Thank you hippy room mates.
39. My biggest motivation for getting into bed is to listen to the BBC and read magazines. Yikes, so lame.
40. I love meeting new people, but can be really shy about it depending on the circumstances.
41. I hate saying good bye to friends you may never see again
42. I don't care what anyone says, I think dance dance revolution is the best nintendo game ever ( I call all of them nintendo alright).
43. I love the smell of wet sage brush.
44. I think my ACT score was the lowest out of most all my friends, except maybe Amanda. Sorry to call you out sister, but I'm pretty sure ours were pretty bad.
45. I'd like to live with as little "stuff" as possible. I think life should be way simpler than we live it.
46. I'm horrible at keeping house plants alive.
47. Every chair in my apartment currently was found on the street.
48. My room mate Caroline puts honey on everything, even chicken noodle soup. We go through a 32 oz. bottle a month.
49. I think too much pride is the most unattractive characteristic in the world
50. My high score on cell phone Tetris is 25,580.