Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

As I expected, the sweater party was a hit.  There was food, white elephants, and some horrific photo shoots to be enjoyed by all.  Since I didn't bring my camera all yall better get posting!  In the mean time I will tide you over with these pre-party beauties.

wait for it

wait for it

There it is . . .

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

***Please note that the name of this sweater is "Cobra Crossing" - found it here.  It's Christy's crush's website.  Can I please come see her with you some time?  I love her more and more every time I come across her.

As for my original objective in writing this post - Ugly Sweater Parties.  I'm straight up stealing this article from this awesome blog that I have been stalking lately.  Any who, it turns out I'm not the only one who has been noticing the uncountable "ugly sweater" parties going on this Christmas in particular.  I'm not saying I'm above it by any means!  I'm proudly attending one this weekend and I can't wait to get ugly for it.  I'm pretty sure I like purposefully getting ugly almost as much, ok ok, more than I like trying to get "pretty", but any way, it's a good point.

(If you followed all of this you get a cyber gold star)

Monday, December 15, 2008

npr music

How have I never looked into this?

If you're like me and you spend hours in front of your computer being a genius and producing amazing things and you're sick of your playlist on itunes, your station on pandora, and talk radio - check out npr's music web page.
Currently I'm making my way through "All Songs Considered; Listeners Picks of the Year".  So far there has been music from Conner Oberst's new album, M. Ward & Zooey Deschanel's folk album (didn't even know they put one out), and Girl Talk - forgive me for my lameness if everyone knows about this fantastic resource.  Otherwise reap my net-surfing benefits!

Other shows I want to check out after NPR Listners Picks of the Year

Friday, December 12, 2008

Latest and greatest quote from my friend Diego.  Anyone who wants to go bowling with the Diego crew is invited.  It will be a par - tay

Don't forget to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX cell, or XXX-XXXX - home, to let me know so we can go and have lots of Fun, okay.  we eat pizza and Bread-Sticks while we bowl, all right.  

Thanks for Reminding me, you are such a wonderful Friend i ever had in my life.  you are my Guardian Angel, or course.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The computer camera was a smash hit at the family party with the young'ns.  Jack Charlie and I took about 35 pictures and 11 videos in the last 20 min. they were at the house tonight.  

teletubby sunshine baby
Jack got a little serious when I started up the "effects" - he wasn't a big fan of the distorting ones.  But as you can see from the vid below the mirror effect was a hit.
It's the small things in our family I guess

Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh baby baby . . .

Consider them bought-ten. Craigslist is my friend. Now I only need everything else besides the skis. Donations welcome.



Very Cool

If you have a minuet check it out . . .

Hungry Zimbabwe

(I'm still struggling with posting youtube some how.)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Raising Arizona

Arguably the best movie ever created - and it's on hulu!
7:15-8:18 is pure gold.  Thank you Liz for introducing me back in '97

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rachel's Challenge

I went to a lecture tonight about this girl who went to Columbine High School - the same time I was in high school actually - and she was the first to be shot by the boys who shot the school up in '98.  Anyway, her family has put together this organization and lectures.  It was really amazing.  I wish everyone in Salt Lake could have been there.  I think what stands out most about the whole thing is the compassion given, whether to the boys who did the shootings or others in her life.  It's an awesome message in a time with a lot of finger pointing.  Who created what problems, who's to blame.  It's a nice counterpoint to the meanness that goes around.
Now I can't say that the graphic design is the best (not like that matters, but this stuff stands out to me), but the concept of all of this is really nice, and a lot of the information about it can be found on the web site www.rachelschallenge.com.

Venus & Jupiter

Has anyone else noticed the amazing stars and moon scenario that's been going on? Got some amazing views of it over the weekend in the desert and turns out it's Venus (larger lower one) and Jupiter. Plus the moon has been pretty sweet too. Here's to being a nerd!