Friday, December 14, 2007


These images represent the hell that is my life. Drawing on the computer until my eyes now, at 2:34 a.m. pout.

It's actually a pretty decent project - just too many details. It's a brown stone in brooklyn that is being restored from it's destitute state fo become "the first american lung association and green depot certified house" or something. A lady even came from THE NEW YORK TIMES (ya, so big time) to interview us cause the people doing the house are making a deal out of us doing it some how. Anyway, don't be surprised if you read about me in the newspaper or someth'n

.... hopefully it won't be my obituary when they find out that the acheing you get in your eye sockets after too much concentrating is one of the first signs of internal combustion, ya.


ting19 said...

i don't know how you do it - i had to use some illustrator thing this semester to draw some rocks and i almost flipped out...i did flip out actually, 3 times


good work jess. I just spent the last 3 nights working on a project to submit for a competition too. I feel for you. To recap: Yesterday I went to bed at 6AM and woke up at 4:30PM! The day before that, I went to bed at 9AM and woke up at 2:30PM. The day before that I slept from 7AM to 1:30PM. Anyway, my sleep pattern isn't normal. I'll blog some of the shots from that project so that you can check them out. Great job though. I dig the elevs.

Jessica said...

Loving the blog Jess - sweet that you are in NYC, and yes there is a very good chance I will take you up on a visit. Matt & I were actually thinking bout a trip back east this spring, will you still be around?

Super rad about school, I would love it. What is the name of your school? Any who, it is great to catch up with you threw the world of blogs, stop by any time!