Monday, October 25, 2010

House Shows

I have had such great luck and experiences with home shows where friends showcase their friends musical talents for the rest of us.
Tonight was one of those lucky nights. First these two boys played who are Utah locals who have just returned from an East Coast bike/musical tour from Vermont to Virginia. They played shows and slept on couches all of the 700 some odd miles they rode. They were a banjo and acoustic guitar duet.
Next a couple with the most lovely little duet going. They live in San Fran and are in town to visit family. They were magical in person. You can check out their website to learn more about them here.
Mostly I was touched by all of these adventurers out there living their dreams. I love coming across people who are actively doing something they strongly believe in. I see it in my brothers letters he writes home from his mission in the Philippines and I see it in the passion these people have for their music. I guess my point is that it's touching no matter the subject as long as it's an honest and good endeavor. Makes me want to work harder at doing the same.

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